Benedict Bartleet

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Produtor de drum & bass uptempo e criador de verdadeiras paisagens sonoras

A história por detrás do tema

Benedict Bartleet delivers ambient, uptempo, and scene-setting drum and bass, perfectly balancing energy and tone. Rythmically complex, but not egregiously so, Benedict’s sound is like a teaspoon of honey — adding just the right amount of flavour and flair without being overpowering. Building as they go, his songs are the perfect accompaniment to beginnings and they work equally as well when the focus is solely on the beats, on vocals, or on additional complementary instruments like saxophone, strings, or xylophone. The tracks create an atmosphere of possibility, breathing life with every unique drum pattern.

Rhythmically complex, but not egregiously so, Benedict’s sound is like a teaspoon of honey.
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