Glen Gabriel

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor e produtor galardoado, com o dom de misturar música de orquestra com toques eletrónicos

A história por detrás do tema

As an award-winning composer and producer responsible for a wealth of projects spanning the worlds of film, advertising and theatre, Glen Gabriel Jansson’s music has already reached millions of listeners. You might well have come across his cinematic creations in commercials for brands like Nike, Coke Zero, Mercedes and Gillette, or in feature films for directors including James Cameron. Perhaps you saw the ballet he scored for the Royal Opera House of Zurich, or maybe you’ve encountered any one of his four solo records. One thing’s for sure: the Swedish star remains the go-to talent for anyone seeking scores that seamlessly blend orchestral music with electronic touches.

An award-winning composer and producer working across the worlds of film, advertising and theatre. The Swedish star’s cinematic creations seamlessly blend orchestral music with electronic touches.
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