Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor, rapper e cantor galardoado que mistura rap, pop, R&B e eletro

A história por detrás do tema

Johnathan ‘JDP’ Pratt was born on the south side of Chicago. An award-winning songwriter, rapper, singer and poet, he combines elements of rap, pop, R&B and electro to craft a sound all his own. JDP's music has been featured in TV, film, in the internationally released video game Watch Dogs, and more. As a songwriter, JDP wrote the music for season 3 of the Go90/Awesomeness series, Guidance and Emmy-winning Netflix series Ask the Storybots. Following the release of his EP Where Were You When in 2019, JDP has featured collaborations with Australian DJ Jaysounds and Brock Jays. A new R&B album with Swim Team, and a new solo EP are currently in the works for 2020.

Chicago-born Johnathan ‘JDP’ Pratt is an award-winning songwriter, rapper, singer and poet, combining elements of rap, pop, R&B and electro. His music has featured in TV, film and video games.
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