Andy Cooper
Música para filmes, televisão e publicidadeArtista de hip-hop da Costa Oeste com um estilo californiano único.
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And Ya Don't StopAndy Cooper Everything Is A DrumAndy Cooper It's Right Here Right NowAndy Cooper In Slow MotionAndy Cooper Got My Mind Made UpAndy Cooper
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A história por detrás do tema
Much like Snoop Dogg and Warren G, rapper Andy Cooper got his career started in Long Beach as one third of the prominent 90s underground hip hop group Ugly Duckling. One of the two MCs, Andy alternated lyrics for a signature punctuated sound. The trio toured the world, reaching almost forty countries with their tracks appearing in video games, commercials, and films. A producer, arranger, and DJ, Andy went solo after a successful tour of the UK, dropping “Room to Breathe: The Free LP” to carve his own groove. His intricate lyrics, at times spit blindingly fast, pair with chunky drums and upbeat funk melodies. A 90s hip hop throwback, he flavours his sound with late 60s/early 70s samples.
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