Andy Powell

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Um olhar sobre a retro soul, sem esquecer o ritmo da música pop.

A história por detrás do tema

Songwriter and composer Andy Powell likes to lay down the structure of a song before embellishment, often starting with a title and mapping out a simple piano arrangement. His style is timeless, looking back on the retro-soul sound with a finger on the pulse of pop music, always balancing the need for a hook with real emotional depth. At home in pop, funk and soul genres, his use of real instruments keeps his music evergreen. Some of his influences include Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and Fire, Michael Jackson, and Prince as well as Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars. The key to winning Andy’s ear and appreciation is for the live performance to live up to the recorded track.

Andy Powell’s style is timeless, looking back on the retro-soul sound with a finger on the pulse of pop music, always balancing the need for a hook with real emotional depth.
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