Bryce Jacobs

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor singular e eclético com uma paixão pela música de orientação híbrida

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A história por detrás do tema

Australian composer, producer and musician Bryce Jacobs combines classical orchestral techniques with electronica elements and guitars to create a sound all his own. Bryce coupled a Bachelor of Music in Performance at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music with a Master's degree in Composition from there as well. Not satisfied with a traditional guitar, he developed a guitar with the range and capabilities of a piano, creating the perfect vessel for his work. Upon moving to Los Angeles, Bryce joined Hans Zimmer's Remote Control Productions and worked closely with composer Ramin Djawadi. Bryce also worked directly with Hans as additional composer and featured guitarist on Ron Howard’s “Rush.” Most recently, Bryce composed music for “Christopher Robin”, which also featured his guitar and vocal performances.

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