Charles Maddocks

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Colorado indie-rockers Holdfast are a must-see for fans of Bad Suns, Muse and The 1975.

A história por detrás do tema

Made up of brothers Tommy and Mikey Maddocks, and their cousin Charlie, indie-rock outfit Holdfast formed in Windsor, Colorado, back in 2011. They’ve been making waves across the US with their energetic and deeply cinematic strain of alt-rock ever since, picking up extensive airplay and becoming a must-see act for fans of bands like Bad Suns, Muse and The 1975. Following the release of their debut album, Stay and Fight, Holdfast made their Audio Network debut in 2021 with Movies.

Formed in Windsor, Colorado in 2011, and making waves across the US ever since, indie-rockers Holdfast are a must-see act for fans of bands like Bad Suns, Muse and The 1975.
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