David Tobin

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor, arranjador, orquestrador e diretor musical; um mestre em bandas sonoras para filmes.

A história por detrás do tema

David Tobin has enjoyed a career as a composer, arranger, orchestrator, and Musical Director. A graduate of Guildhall School of Music, David went on to Major in Film Scoring and Arranging at Berklee College of Music. David has worked stages across the UK and Europe as a Musical Director and conductor. He combines a love for the stage and musicals — he’s written three — with a mastery of delivering orchestral/crossover score for the screen. Keeping with the times and technology, David is equally adept at creating this truly cinematic sound working with either live musicians and a baton or with MIDI production. Partnered with Jeff Meegan, the pair excel at delivering workmanlike efficiency and commercial awareness without sacrificing creative integrity.

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