Harry Lightfoot

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor altamente versátil adorado pelos maiores estúdios de Hollywood e grandes marcas globais.

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Harry Lightfoot is a highly versatile and sought-after composer, working with the biggest movie studios in Hollywood as well as many of the world’s leading brands. As a film composer, Harry has scored the trailers for a plethora of international box office hits. Recent commissions include Top Gun: Maverick, Encanto, Soul, Black Widow, Mulan and Mary Poppins Returns, as well as Avengers: Endgame, which in 2019 became the highest grossing movie of all-time. Harry’s compositions have also been heard in advertising campaigns for Pepsi, McDonalds, Netflix, Mercedes, Samsung, Tesco, Milka, Hewlett Packard and Jeep.

Recent commissions include Top Gun: Maverick, Encanto, Soul, Black Widow, Mulan and Mary Poppins Returns, as well as Avengers: Endgame, which in 2019 became the highest grossing movie of all-time.
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