Jesse Walton

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor e cantautor de folk e country que nos transporta para um mundo de emoções

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A história por detrás do tema

Composer, singer-songwriter, and musician from Lewes, Jesse Walton was already well-versed in classical and acoustic guitar, piano, and music theory by his mid-teens. He supplemented this initial knowledge, studying Music and Music Technology at the East Sussex Academy of Music and then Commercial Music at Canterbury Christ Church University. With an ear for folk and country, he’s already collaborated with a number of young, up-and-coming filmmakers who have been drawn to the earnest honesty of his material. As a creator, Jesse has always had his sights on placement in film, television, and advertisements. When Jesse records, he bares his soul for the song and the warm emotionality carries the listener through that same poignant current.

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