Joe Kraemer

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor talentoso com mais de 100 bandas sonoras, incluindo para a saga Missão Impossível

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Composer Joe Kraemer was raised in Albany, New York. His father and uncle were both musicians, and while attending Berklee School of Music he decided he wanted to be a film composer. Kraemer's first feature film score was cult classic ‘The Way of the Gun’, a modern-day western written and directed by Oscar-winner Christopher McQuarrie. Further work on McQuarrie projects include the Tom Cruise action thriller ‘Jack Reacher’ and ‘Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation’. Joe has scored over 100 films to date, together with documentaries and short films. Kraemer also does Masterclasses in composition for media for various colleges and organizations, including The Hollywood Music Workshop, ASMAC and Columbia College Chicago.

Joe has scored over a hundred films, including the award-winning 'Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation'.
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