John 00 Fleming

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

DJ, músico e produtor com mais de 10 milhões de álbuns vendidos.

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A história por detrás do tema

DJ, record producer, and musician John 00 Fleming has seen ten million album sales and thirty produced mix compilations in a decades-spanning career. His sound is described as “deep and textured progressively edged trance” and BBC Radio 1 described the man himself as “a national treasure of trance music.” In demand, he’s appeared at over ten thousand events. John formed the trance label JOOF Recordings in 1998 with numerous spinoff branches since. John’s influences include Jean Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Astral Projection, Airwave, and Trifonic. When John switched focus to scoring for major networks and films, his work was soon featured in the soundtracks to shows on BBC, Fox, and NBC and features from Universal, Warner, Sony, and others.

BBC Radio 1 described the man himself as "a national treasure of trance music"
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