Joji Hirota

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor, cantor e executante de vários instrumentos de percussão, taiko e shakuhachi

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Born in Otaru, Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan, composer, Japanese Taiko Drummer, multi-percussionist, Shakuhachi player and singer Joji Hirota began his percussion and composition studies at Kyoto Arts University. His grounded mastery of percussion and traditional Japanese music and instruments are the trademark signature of his catalogue, sonically summoning his home. In the 1980s, he founded the globetrotting group Joji Hirota and the Taiko Drummers which opened Live Earth in London. Joji acted as percussionist and co-composer for the Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of Macbeth. He was awarded the Ambassador’s commendation award by the UK Japanese Embassy for his contribution to musical activity outside of Japan in recognition for his achievements in a three-decade long career.

Composer, Taiko drummer, multi-percussionist, Shakuhachi player and singer Joji Hirota’s grounded mastery of percussion and traditional Japanese music are the trademark signature of his catalogue.
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