Josh Oliver

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

London-based singer-songwriter of lo-fi music with an upbeat wonder

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A história por detrás do tema

London-based singer-songwriter Josh Oliver has grown a lot from the enthusiastic 11-year old limited to just three guitar chords. Now a multi-instrumentalist, Josh has expanded to an expert grasp of the guitar in addition to piano and vocals for a well-stocked musical arsenal. But don’t let that fool you, while his arsenal is stocked, the lo-fi music itself is crafted with a high degree of thoughtful soul and would act as a fine compliment to picturesque imagery or drive home the heart of an emotional moment. His music has a bright edge to add upbeat wonder to his meditative and musing lyrics. He counts among his influences Ben Howard and John Lennon.

The lo-fi music itself is crafted with a high degree of thoughtful soul
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