Linda Roan

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositora cujas influências vão da pop à soul, passando pelo hip-hop e pela música country.

A história por detrás do tema

Hailing from Norway, Linda Roan is a songwriter who, after relocating to the UK in 2007, began writing music with composer Andy Powell. Her influences include everything from pop to soul to hip hop, but her musical inspiration is deeply rooted in country music. Lyrically, she loves to tell great stories by writing imagery that appeals to the listener’s senses – always trying to find new ways to describe those all too familiar feelings – all underpinned by strong hooks. Linda’s music has featured in campaigns for Puma, HTC, and Toyota, in TV adverts for Hasbro and IKEA, and also in Netflix’s Queer Eye and The Holiday Calendar.

Norwegian Linda is a songwriter whose influences range from pop to soul to hip hop and country music. Linda’s music has featured in campaigns for Puma, Toyota, Hasbro, IKEA and on Netflix’s Queer Eye.
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