Mark Petrie

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Mestre dos trailers, cuja música transporta os ouvintes para mundos fantásticos.

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New Zealand composer Mark Petrie has a blockbuster pedigree, having written for the film trailers of outrageous worlds, including Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Avengers: Infinity War. A generous sprinkle of the present-day makes his timeless sound contemporary. His scores lift audiences to fantastical worlds filled with chaotic action, merging the modern with the orchestral to lend reality to the outlandish. His music propels film trailers, luring audiences with his authentic and singular knack for the hook. Mark studied film scoring at the Berklee College of Music before working under award-winning composer Mark Post. His life may have geographically shifted from Auckland to Los Angeles, but it is his music that will propel you out of this world.

His scores lift audiences to fantastical worlds filled with chaotic action, merging the modern with the orchestral to lend reality to the outlandish.
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