Matt Hill
Música para filmes, televisão e publicidadeTemas mais recentes
CygnusMatt Hill FluidityMatt Hill Hazy DreamsMatt Hill Wild Blue YonderMatt Hill Hustle BustlePaul Clarvis | Matt Hill | Sonia Slany
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A história por detrás do tema
As a highly accomplished producer and sound engineer, Matt Hill has regularly teamed up with noted percussionist Paul Clarvis to create tracks of depth and otherworldly wonder and has taken on projects for Universal Music Publishing, London Records, Mother Records, Pacific Sound Design, and Island Records. Matt’s tracks tell stories, perfectly setting a mood to evoke serenity in an otherwise chaotic world.
Música excecional ao seu alcance
Pesquise em mais de 250,000 temas originais com filtros por emoção, estilo musical, instrumentos, BMP e muito mais. A nossa eficiente pesquisa com filtros, permite-lhe encontrar o tema perfeito para o seu projeto.
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