Nick Kingswell

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Cantautor com uma voz e letras cheias de emoção para criar temas indie folk únicos

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Australian singer/songwriter Nick Kingswell sold his house and belongings and moved to London in an effort to push his music career. Drawing on his memories of Australia’s oceans, beaches and open landscapes, Kingswell runs these through London’s gritty filter. His music delivers a cinematic feel, layered with dynamic movement and intricate guitars, all tempered with a deep emotionality. With his heartfelt, gentle vocals and thoughtful lyrics, reminiscent of artists such as Fink, Bon Iver, and James Vincent McMorrow, Nick presents his own take on indie folk. His latest album Brontide is a stunning collection of 12 tracks, written peripherally while trying to focus in on a distant feeling. Produced by James Bunton, the album speaks about hope, with even the saddest of songs leaning towards finding a light at the end of the tunnel. Kingswell has been featured in numerous notable playlists including Spotify’s ‘gentle acoustic’, as well as Alex Rainbird’s YouTube channel.

With his heartfelt, gentle vocals and thoughtful lyrics, reminiscent of Fink, Bon Iver and James Vincent McMorrow, Australian singer/songwriter Nick Kingswell presents his own take on indie folk.
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