Paul Ressel

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor, mixer e produtor sul-africano premiado atualmente em Londres.

A história por detrás do tema

Originally from South Africa, Paul Ressel has established himself as an award-winning composer, mixer, and producer in London. Paul studied Music Theory and Piano, but his musical path towards being a professional was kickstarted by Aphex Twin’s “Windowlicker” because it displayed how effective a computer can be in creating music. As a producer, Paul has worked with renowned artists such as Lana Del Rey, Scratch (The Roots), and Maxi Jazz (Faithless) as well as his own band Vuvuvultures. As a composer, Paul has collaborated with global brands including MTV, National Geographic, Discovery Channel and Ford producing bespoke compositions for films, documentaries, and advertisements. In his spare time, he creates samples as a sound designer and builds instruments.

Paul has worked with renowned artists such as Lana Del Rey, Scratch (The Roots), and Maxi Jazz (Faithless)
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