Phil Panton
Música para filmes, televisão e publicidadeProdutor e compositor britânico e rei do indie
Temas mais recentes
I Like It That WayPhil Panton | Oliver Wilde | Tom Barnes Yo Let's GoPhil Panton | Oliver Wilde | Tom Barnes V.I.P.Phil Panton | Oliver Wilde | Tom Barnes Time To ShinePhil Panton | Oliver Wilde | Tom Barnes Switch It UpPhil Panton | Oliver Wilde | Tom Barnes
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A história por detrás do tema
A king of the indie anthem, UK-based producer and writer Phil Panton was born a team player, seeing as he’s had a collaborator since birth in his twin brother Doug. Phil is a regular performer and session musician at festivals including Y Not and Secret Garden Party. Working out of his recording studio in Essex, he cites Cenzo Townshend as one source of his fearless inspiration as he records and produces for artists, bands, and himself. He loves experimentation to create new sounds in order to set his music apart from others, using approaches like re-amping to add grit to anything from vocals to synths. In the end, though, being in service to the song is most important.
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