Ryan Jacob

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Ryan is a trumpeter, composer & producer for artists, TV & world touring theatre.

A história por detrás do tema

Ryan Jacob is a London based trumpeter, composer and producer. Recent highlights include his contributions to Grammy Award-nominated albums by Bonobo and Chronixx, amongst a long list of session credits as a writer, producer, performer and arranger. For the last decade he has been part of the Bonobo live band, travelling and performing all around the world. Ryan has produced music and written scores for artists, TV and world touring theatre shows. His production of the YouTube stars Dan and Phil’s charity single for Stand Up To Cancer received a Gold Disk for its sales in the UK. 20th Century American orchestral music, Spaghetti Western soundtracks and the vintage soul reboot of New York’s 'Daptone' record label have all influenced Ryan as a composer and producer. His band Dollars Trio brings these styles together with its soulful cinematic sound.

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