Theo Travis

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

An ambient composer/producer, whose music spans dark tracks & gentle soundscapes

A história por detrás do tema

Theo Travis is an acclaimed London-based composer, producer, flautist, saxophonist, duduk and keyboards player. He studied classical music and jazz, and is a pioneering ambient composer and musician, having collaborated extensively with guitarist Robert Fripp, Harold Budd and Roger Eno. As a flute and sax player, he’s made ten solo albums which he composed and produced and is a member of the band Soft Machine, writing much of their recent material and producing their last album. He has also worked with artists such as David Gilmour, David Sylvian, Steven Wilson and Paul Ressel. His compositions range from dark atmospheric tracks to gentle soundscapes, from Middle Eastern to Crime Drama and documentary, often with imaginative use of a wide variety of woodwind instruments

Acclaimed ambient composer, producer, flautist, saxophonist, duduk & keyboard player & member of Soft Machine. His music spans dark tracks to gentle soundscapes & Crime Drama to documentary
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