Thomas McNeice

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Músico, compositor e produtor de Glasgow que colabora com vocalistas incríveis

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A história por detrás do tema

While Glasgow’s own Thomas McNeice has an undeniable rock and roll pedigree, his musical reach spans even further. Rhythmic mastery drives Thomas’s sonic DNA with epic percussive movement, regardless of genre. As bassist for El Presidente, he opened for bands including Kasabian and Oasis. Thomas joined seminal English post-punk group Gang of Four in 2008. Additionally, he’s toured worldwide with other bands, contributing on drums and keyboards. When not performing live, he shapes and defines acts in his studio as a producer and songwriter with a focus on contemporary pop, rock, and EDM. His compositional skills supplement an intimate connection to the audience, forged on the road.

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