Tim Reilly

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Compositor versátil para TV, música, filmes, videojogos e anúncios

A história por detrás do tema

Tim began composing and producing at the University of Huddersfield and started to experiment by juxtaposing acoustic recordings with electronic production techniques. This led to a First Class Degree, a Music Faculty award for creative programming, and the release of his first EP. Tim’s composes music for TV, film, computer games and commercials, with his work used in campaigns for Hyundai, BT, Talk Talk, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Sony, Nokia and 3 Mobile. He also contributed additional music to the award-winning film Her, and the Sony PlayStation game, Heavy Rain. Tim’s influences include Thomas Newman, Four Tet, Beta Band, Jimi Hendrix, Smashing Pumpkins, and Beck.

Tim Reilly's work has featured in campaigns for Hyundai, BT, Talk Talk, Microsoft, Sony, Nokia and 3 Mobile, together with award-winning film Her and PlayStation’s Heavy Rain.
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