Tim Renwick

Música para filmes, televisão e publicidade

Guitarist for Pink Floyd’s live band, soundtracks, advertising, TV & the West End

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A história por detrás do tema

Brought up on the Beatles and the Stones, Tim formed the group Quiver, who joined forces with The Sutherland Brothers to form Sutherland Brothers & Quiver – who had chart success in the USA and Europe. Tim then became a successful freelance studio/touring guitarist for Elton John, Eric Clapton (including Live Aid), Tom Jones and as a member of Pink Floyd’s live band. Tim’s work also encompasses cinema soundtracks, advertising, TV and the West End. Tim has been working with Audio Network from their conception.

Tim is a freelance studio/touring guitarist for Elton John, Eric Clapton, Tom Jones and Pink Floyd’s live band. Tim’s work also encompasses cinema soundtracks, advertising, TV and the West End.
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